List of available Health and Safety Courses in Napier, New Zealand. The Health and Safety courses in Napier are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Health and Safety Courses from all over New Zealand.
Our Certificate in Food Handling helps attendees understand how to keep food safe and customers from getting food-borne illnesses. The course meets Council’s requirements as a Food Worker in any hospitality business.
When there is little time to think, your staff must already know what to do – whether to attempt to extinguish the fire or to get out. Our training courses provide your staff the skills and confidence to make the right decisions and act quickly in the event of a workplace fire.
We deliver realistic training for industry and the general public. Training is on our site or at a venue to suit the group.
A Driving School that recognises that every student has different learning styles and skills we will customise lessons to make you a confident, capable and safer driver.
Defensive Driving course training is offered by Top Drive for all skill level. There are four 2 hour classroom sessions followed by 1 in car session. All sessions must be completed in order, the in-car session to be scheduled on the course and to be completed within 60 days.
This course is a Health & Safety requirement and operators MUST be certified for using a EWP within the workplace as per the WorkSafe NZ "Best Practice Guide for Mobile EWP's".
This training is designed for people who need to use BA sets for their employment, or members of industrial rescue squads. It is assessed against unit standard 25044: Wear and operate compressed air breathing apparatus in the workplace.This is a half day course.
The Safe On Site team are your local experts on Health and Safety consultancy and training. Safe On Site partner with TrackMe NZ to bring you industry leading remote worker safety systems with coverage anywhere your workers go.
Available throughout the year, our Food Safety short-courses are offered in either Tutor-led Online OR Classroom-based learning environments.
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