List of all the courses offered by Infowiz Software Solution.
Infowiz Software Solution offers a total of 26 courses.
Hadoop is one of the important tool (framework) developed to handle Big Data. It is an open-source program where Big Data is systematically distributed on clusters of commodity hardware. Hadoop is primarily being useful where huge data has to be stored.
Software testing is the process of verifying and evaluating the proper working of a software application with a motive to find out that the application so developed is meeting all the requirements.
No organization /company can think of its survival without networking. Networking is the only field that provides connectivity between the chains of humans. Talking about computer networking, it is a digital telecom network that allows connectivity between different nodes.
There are many programming languages, but the most popular and in trend language is python. What makes python the most popular and used programming language is that it is a general-purpose programming language.
WordPress is an open-source and widely used content management system across the globe. With the full knowledge of WordPress, One can develop efficient websites and blogs.
Data Structure can be termed as an effective and systematic way of Organizing, Storing and Managing data in a computer so that whenever required, the accessibility is quite easy and in a proper way. Data Structure helps the computer system to perform its task effectively.
ASP .NET is a web application framework that has been developed by Microsoft. It is open source means free to use. With the help of ASP.NET, one can create Dynamic web pages.
Talking in general terms; Machine Learning is a core area of Artificial intelligence. Like human beings do machine learning various applications do the same thing. Without direct programming these applications learn, change and develop themselves on their own.
With the rapid growth of technology, the fraudulent activities mainly online frauds, Data hacking and even cash transactions frauds have shown a very high rise in the past 4-5 years as a result of which the Organizations.
As it is clear IOS stands for iPhone operating system which has been created and manufactured by Apple and designed to run on various mobile devices like I-phones, I-pad, and I-pod, etc. An IOS developer’s main area of operation is to develop applications for mobile devices.
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