List of all the courses offered by JPM Edu Solutions.
JPM Edu Solutions offers a total of 13 courses.
Learn DevOps Training in Chennai from the experts in business management as well as cloud computing IT training segment. We offer Best Devops Training Course Chennai by certification, our coaches are 15+ years’ experience in DevOps in addition to cloud computing.
Mobile Application Development entails writing software codes for small, wireless computing devices e.g. smart phones or tablets. Developers ensure that the app shows optimum performance on a particular device by writing the coding natively for that device.
The Internet of Things training will help you in understanding how various smart devices connected to the Internet communicate with each other to share important data. Also, this training will allow you to engineer your devices to connect various smart devices on a network.
A Cryptocurrency is a digital form of money and it is free of government control or interference. Its generation and use is monitored on a peer-to-peer internet protocol. It uses encrypted string of data, known as hash, which signifies a unit of currency.
The spark that created Python originated in 1989 by Guido van Rossum. He found difficulties while working with ABC Language. He got the idea to develop a new language combining the good features of ABC with new practical features such as extensibility and exception handling.
A silent but quiet transformation is making headway on the IT scene and it is called Robotic Process Automation [RPA]. Due to high competition in almost every field, businesses are moving towards automating their processes and systems so as to cut down on staff costs.
Among the many cloud platforms that are available, Microsoft Azure is a premier cloud platform. It has strong credentials as a ‘platform-as-a-service’.
In this age of cyber crime, other than firewalls, virus protection, one of the most important weapons in our armoury of defence against hacking are Ethical Data Hackers.
With intense competition in the field of software, it is but natural that there will be competing software in almost all fields. Over time, users get to know which software has the best functionality and ease of navigation etc.
Data Science is the knowledge of gathering information from various sources on the internet. It is the art of gathering knowledge that is not readily available by conventional methods.
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