List of all the courses offered by Prwatech.
Prwatech offers a total of 10 courses.
Blockchain, is a public registry where all transactions never made about something in particular are shared, thus preventing counterfeits from occurring. It is a solid, distributed, inviolable and cryptographically secure database.
A "data structure" is a collection of values , the relationship between these values and the operations we can do on them; in a nutshell it refers to how the data is organized and how it can be managed.
GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is a suite owned by Google which provides the Cloud Computing Services to do many works such as hosting webs applications, Big Data Analysis, machine learning and so on.
In simple terms, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the constant trend of connecting all kinds of physical objects to the Internet, especially those that you may not even imagine.
Azure is a public pay-per-use cloud that enables you to quickly compile, deploy, and manage applications in a global network of Microsoft data centers.
C ++ is a programming language that comes from the C language extension so that it could manipulate objects. It was designed in the mid-80s by the Danish Bjarne Stroustrup .
R is a free programming language basically used for Statistical Analysis, Scientific Research, and Data Visualization as well.It is widely used by statisticians, researchers, data analysts and marketers to retrieve, clean, analyze, visualize, and present data.
Amazon Web Services could be a company of Amazon which offer info Technology infrastructure platform for cloud computing on the premise of paid subscription to Governments, corporations and people moreover.
LINUX is an Operating System like MacOS, DOS, or Windows. In other words, Linux is the necessary software so that your computer allows you to use programs such as text editors, games, Internet browsers, etc.
DevOps is one of the most mentioned terms in today's IT environment. It is normally associated with digital transformation strategies and methodologies such as Continuous Delivery or agile development.
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