List of available Food Safety Courses in Coventry, UK. The Food Safety courses in Coventry are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over UK.
Food Safety Level 3 Award ensures that supervisors are aware of the legislation applicable to food safety and how to communicate the required standards to employees.
Level 2 Awards in Food Safety are suited for anyone working in a catering, manufacturing or retail setting where food is prepared, cooked and handled.
Lindley Forklift Training offers comprehensive Food Hygiene Training for businesses seeking to ensure that their employees are adequately prepared for workplace health and safety incidents.
The Level 1 Award in Food Safety is for employees with no prior food safety knowledge, or those handling low-risk or wrapped food. Also suitable for waiting or check out staff, warehouse staff and kitchen porters.
Cleaning and temperature control
The Level 2 Food Hygiene Course is essential for anybody who works with food in your setting.
Food Handlers in the catering and hospitality industries who prepare/serve ‘high risk’ ready to eat foods should be trained in food hygiene, it is suggested to the Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (previously called the Basic).
This is an excellent introduction to Food Safety in Catering and will benefit all employees at all levels, particularly those who hold, or are about to hold, a food safety role within their catering organisation.
This qualification is designed for caterers and other food handlers. The qualification is intended for candidates already working in catering who would benefit from refresher training. This qualification reinforces the responsibilities of the food handler regarding food safety and will ensure thei...
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