List of all the courses offered by VBUz Language House.
VBUz Language House offers a total of 4 courses.
The test accredits students ability to use basic language in communication situations ierience particularly relevant to themnvolving immediate needs or very common everyday matters. The test accredits that students can understand commonly-used everyday phrases and expressions related to areas of ex...
The DELF A1 syllabus contains an overview of basic language. After completing A1 one can greet people, talk about self, the cities and countries, about family members, can easily engage in to buying & selling situations, knows numbers, time and date and write simple postcard.
You learn how to make simple enquiries in speaking and writing, and to give instructions. You build on your basic grammar skills and increase your vocabulary. You learn how to express yourself adequately in familiar, everyday situations and to read and understand simple texts.
Can understand sentences and frequently used Chinese expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
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