List of all the courses offered by Kwelanga Training.
Kwelanga Training offers a total of 17 courses.
The programme is designed to provide learners with the ability to follow a process in writing texts required in business.
In any organisation, the positive management of relationships will ensure productivity. Sound relationships create of a culture of trust and loyalty where individuals are motivated and committed to develop to their full potential.
The programme is designed to identify and manage the resolution of personal conflict between individuals or teams. The main focus is on the workplace, although the same principles can be used elsewhere.
Organisational change management, employee motivation and development, and developing leadership and emotional intelligence competencies are crucial success factors for individuals and organisations in an aggressive 21 Century business environment.
In today’s society, many people experience information overload. We are bombarded with messages to believe various ideas, purchase things, support causes, and lead our lifestyle in a particular way.
Effective facilitation is the goal of this course! Facilitation is assisting a group to determine and or achieve a particular task. To achieve the most effective outcomes however, one needs to look for and use the most appropriate processes for both the group and the focus.
The Corporate Receptionist workshop develops front line staff to become highly professional and efficient when dealing both face to face and telephonically with clients. They will understand the importance of communicating in a corporate and courteous manner to both internal and external customers.
The purpose of the Supervisory Skills for Team Leaders workshop is to strengthen your current supervisory skills. It explores the role of the team leader in ensuring that the team meets organisational or required standards.
All employees in an organisation may at times work with projects. This may bring you into contact with consultants, project teams and project managers. Whilst you may not manage specific projects it is important that you understand both the technical and managerial aspects of project management.
Communication is the cornerstone of all our interpersonal relationships and the foundation of all areas of effectiveness in our lives.
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