List of available IT Training Courses in Tauranga, New Zealand.

The IT Training courses in Tauranga are provided by the following institutes:

  1. EmployNZ, Tauranga
  2. Sue's Computer Training Co, Tauranga
  3. Bay Software Consultancy Limited, Tauranga
  4. Software Solutions, Tauranga
  5. Computer Training New Zealand, Tauranga

Also, check out all IT Training Courses from all over New Zealand.

19 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Tauranga, New Zealand

EmployNZ Logo

New Zealand Diploma In Systems Administration

Take your technical skills to the next level with this specialist IT Diploma qualification, especially designed for people who want to become a Sys Admin.

Cheapest by EmployNZ [ Claim Listing ]
Sue's Computer Training Co Logo

Microsoft Training

Our courses are all run on demand. The individual course pages give the details of what is covered.Courses can be run for a group of people from the same company or individuals can train one-to-one at a time and place that is mutually convenient.

Cheapest by Sue's Computer Training Co [ Claim Listing ]
Bay Software Consultancy Limited Logo

Microsoft Access Courses

Whether you are developing a database for others to use or simply using a database for extracting data, it is essential that you understand the basic principles of database design

by Bay Software Consultancy Limited [ Claim Listing ]
  • Price
  • Duration
  • Location
Software Solutions Logo


We appreciate the many different learning styles that people have and so we offer face-to-face instructor-led Training Courses and below you can see the Course Outline of what is covered in each course and the Training Dates available and a link to book yourself on a Course date. 

Cheapest by Software Solutions [ Claim Listing ]

Computer Training New Zealand Logo

MS Word Training

MS Word is a full-featured word processing application used to create newsletters, reports, books, general correspondence, mail merges and much more. For Windows and Mac OS.

Cheapest by Computer Training New Zealand [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 10

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