List of all the courses offered by Bridgit Sdn Bhd.
Bridgit Sdn Bhd offers a total of 21 courses.
Financial management is one of the most important aspects of business it involves the strategic planning, organizing, directing and controlling of financial undertakings in an organizations.
In the current environment, Digitalization, IR 4.0 and IOT create special challenges with regards to cybersecurity. With many people still working online and at home, data protection and excellent IT security is an absolute must.
ESG or Sustainability Reporting is an important topic at this moment for every company that either creates reports to be compliant with regulations or because they believe it is necessary for other reasons.
In today’s world, for a business manager not to have a basic working knowledge of finance is functionally illiterate.Every business activity has ramifications that affect the financial stability of the organization.
Business English communication skills are critical for effective professional communication in the global business environment. It ensures employees have the information they need to perform well. It builds a positive work environment and eliminates inefficiencies within an organization.
This 1-day foundation training course is designed to explain the purpose and fundamental of an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS). Participants will be introduced to the Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS).
This two-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to analyze data with Power BI. Specialize in Microsoft Power BI. Model, shape, and combine data using Power BI.
This Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Foundation Training is a beginner level class meant for those who would like to learn about Robotic Process technology, how to implement Robotic Automation and covers basic concepts of Robotic Process Automation technology.
We are swimming in data — “Big” and small, global and personal. And we are also facing complicated data change and inequality whose stories can only be told with data. The need for understanding of data-driven issues is higher than ever before.
This is a course about one of the most talked about technologies today: Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has delivered some of the most amazing technical advances of the last decade, outperforming human abilities in domains as diverse as image recognition.
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