List of all the courses offered by G-Tec Computer Education Centre.
G-Tec Computer Education Centre offers a total of 20 courses.
The intent of the course is to teach student the Structured programming concept of C Language, this helps in dividing the programs into function modules or code blocks. Although C was designed for implementing system software, it is also widely used for developing portable application software.
This intensive hands-on course explores Java language features and packages. Java programmers will be able to take the content learned and immediately apply it to the problems encountered on the job.
This is an introductory course that could lead to careers such as software engineer, developer, or game designer. The course participants will also complete a series of hands-on projects covering built in data types, operators, control structures, classes, and objects.
Visual Basic (VB) is an event driven programming language and associated development environment created by Microsoft. In business programming, it has one of the largest user bases.
The course covers all the language features from basic to Advanced level such as object oriented concepts, Windows Forms programming, ADO.Net,LINQ, Deploying Visual C# Application, WPF, WCF Services and Web Services.
ASP.NET is the new offering for Web developers from the Microsoft .It is not simply the next-generation of ASP; in fact, it is a completely re-engineered and enhanced technology that offers much, much more than traditional ASP and can increase productivity significantly.
PHP course is designed to enable web developers and others with limited programming experience to build dynamic database driven e-commerce web sites using the PHP programming language.
Python Programming Basic course covers the basic concepts on how to represent and store data using Python data types and variables and use conditionals and loops to control the flow of programs.
The objective of this training program is to train the attendees the various aspects of HTML, which is a modern markup language. The course curriculum is designed as a combination of theory and practical.
Web design is the skill of creating presentations of content that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser. We are providing web designing courses in two different levels with the combinations of Photoshop, Dream Weaver and flash.
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