List of all the courses offered by Ritu Singal.
Ritu Singal offers a total of 5 courses.
As people, contact is the most productive way to communicate with others and express our messages. Communication, though, is not as straightforward as it comes with distinct levels and styles, depending on the situation and the attitude.
Anger management is a process that helps people identify their stressors. Through the practice of anger Management techniques, people learn steps to stay calm, even in dreadful situations
Most people consider how they should plan their lives and make the most of them, but they seldom take the first step. Changing one’s everyday habits is the first step in reorganizing one’s existence.
Have you heard about Stress management training? Stress is the talk of the town these days, wherever I go I hear people talking about their stress and stressors. You must have heard about it but do you know what exactly stress management training is about.
Every workplace has brought many individuals under one roof. With so many people in one place, conflicts are bound to arise. Each person in your office comes from a different background, state, culture, and mentality.
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