List of all the courses offered by University of Lethbridge (Dhillon School Of Business).
University of Lethbridge (Dhillon School Of Business) offers a total of 9 courses.
The Chartered Financial Analyst Program (CFA) is a professional credential offered internationally by the American-based CFA Institute to investment and financial professionals.
The Post-Bachelor Combined Certificates in Accounting allows you to take both the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Accounting Fundamentals and the Post-Bachelor Certificate in Advanced Accounting in one program.
Economics is the social science that provides understanding, meaning and relevance of human action under conditions of scarcity. In other words, the study of economics enables a more effective use of scarce resources such as people’s time and talents.
Our two-year (20-course) finance diploma allows you to pursue a professional designation in finance without the initial four-year degree commitment.
The Accounting major examines the factors influencing the design, provision, quality, use, and impact of financial and non-financial information on a variety of stakeholders, including investors, managers, auditors, creditors, and organizations.
This program prepares students for positions in both the private and public sectors and for further academic training. The program is typically completed in 24 months or less and contains rigorous training in microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, and econometrics.
The Finance major studies financial markets, financial instruments and investment decision-making, and analyzes alternative methods in obtaining, managing and using capital.
This module is designed for individuals who have identified their job target and would like help with creating and using a targeted resume and cover letter.
Competitive. Applicants may gain admission to the competitive Post-Diploma Bachelor of Management program by completing an approved diploma in Business Administration or Management with a cumulative diploma GPA at or above the current admission cut-off and not less than 2.00 (on the University of L...
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