List of available IT Training Courses in Hamilton, New Zealand. The IT Training courses in Hamilton are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all IT Training Courses from all over New Zealand.
This course includes three programs. MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Access.
This course is designed for users of Microsoft Access that have completed our Access Essential Skills course or have equivalent experience.
The Cisco Certified Networking Academy (CCNA) programme trains you to design, build, and maintain secure computer networks using an e-learning environment with a web-based curriculum and many practical exercises.
The CompTIA Cloud+ certification validates the knowledge and best practices required of IT practitioners working in cloud computing environments, who must understand and deliver cloud infrastructure.
Master Microsoft Word 2019 Like a Pro: Unlock the Full Potential of Word Processing with Our Comprehensive and Easy-to-Follow Course!
This one-day introductory class covers all the basics of Microsoft Excel. Participants will learn how to enter and edit information in a worksheet; manage and navigate worksheets and workbooks; perform basic calculations and manipulate worksheet data; format the worksheet contents.
Overview of Structure in the Industry: An overview of opportunities within the industry, covering specifications and requirements. Planning a Web Homepage: Planning the desired audience, or markets you are aiming at.
This programme teaches students how to develop great websites in just one year. It is designed for those wishing to start their own web design business,
Our App in a Day workshop can be delivered either face-to-face or virtually by our Modern Workplace team. We'll be your guide on the day, and will provide you with a trial tenancy environment to get the full Power Apps experience.
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