List of available Anatomy and Physiology Courses in Kent, UK.

The Anatomy and Physiology courses in Kent are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Radiance Hair, Beauty, Laser and Institute, Kent
  2. Limitless Aesthetics & Training, Kent
  3. The Maidstone School Of Complementary Therapy, Kent
  4. University of Kent, Kent
  5. Robyn Raye Academy, Kent

Also, check out all Anatomy and Physiology Courses from all over UK.

5 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Kent, UK

Radiance Hair, Beauty, Laser and Institute Logo

Award In Anatomy

Award In AnatomyWhen you started your journey in aesthetics, nobody told you that you needed to know so much. But the truth is, if you want to shine, you have to know.

by Radiance Hair, Beauty, Laser and Institute [ Claim Listing ]
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Limitless Aesthetics & Training Logo

Anatomy & Physiology

Our courses require you to complete case studies before you are certificated which we support and guide you through so that when you receive your accredited certificate, we are fully confident that you will be ready to build an incredible career for yourselves.

Cheapest by Limitless Aesthetics & Training [ Claim Listing ]

The Maidstone School Of Complementary Therapy Logo

Anatomy & Physiology Training course

Anatomy & Physiology Training course are offered by The Maidstone School Of Complementary Therapy for all skill levels. You would be required to read our training manual and submit coursework to complete the course.

by The Maidstone School Of Complementary Therapy [ Claim Listing ]
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University of Kent Logo

Human Anatomy and Physiology

This module will consider the anatomy and function of normal tissues, organs and systems and then describe their major pathophysiological conditions. It will consider the aetiology of the condition, its biochemistry and its manifestation at the level of cells, tissues and the whole patient. It may ...

Cheapest by University of Kent [ Claim Listing ]
Robyn Raye Academy Logo

VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies

The VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies is a knowledge-based qualification which will provide you with a sound foundation to pursue a career as a complementary therapist.

by Robyn Raye Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Showing Courses 1 - 5

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