List of available Pasta Making Classes in Scottsdale, USA.

The Pasta Making courses in Scottsdale are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Sweet Basil Gourmetware and Cooking School, Scottsdale
  2. Cooking With Joni, Scottsdale
  3. The Cooking Joynt, Scottsdale
  4. Sur La Table - Kierland, Scottsdale
  5. Kids Who Cook, Scottsdale
  6. Marcellino Ristorante, Scottsdale

Also, check out all Pasta Making Classes from all over USA.

6 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Scottsdale, USA

Sweet Basil Gourmetware and Cooking School Logo

Hand Made Pastas

We’re taking Pasta-making to new heights with a lesson that will teach you the craft of mixing, kneading, stretching and cutting Pasta from scratch. Each recipe is a lesson on making a light and beautiful Pasta shape, together with a Sauce that compliments it perfectly.

Cheapest by Sweet Basil Gourmetware and Cooking School [ Claim Listing ]
Cooking With Joni Logo

Pasta Making Class

Pasta Making class is offered by Cooking With Joni. Joni brings fun into the kitchen! You leave your classes with the confidence to replicate the recipes and experience them in your own kitchen.

Cheapest by Cooking With Joni [ Claim Listing ]
The Cooking Joynt Logo

Fresh Pasta

We do it from scratch, and it's a blast. Fresh pasta, Marinara sauce and fresh Alfredo Sauce.  This is a great date night class! Bring a bottle of wine.

Cheapest by The Cooking Joynt [ Claim Listing ]
Sur La Table - Kierland Logo

Fresh Pastas For Summer

Let’s make pasta! Roll up your sleeves and practice mixing and shaping dough, cutting linguine noodles and pinching farfalle to create the classic bow-tie shape. We’ll pair each pasta with a summer-inspired sauce and round out the meal with a Nectarine and Arugula Salad.

by Sur La Table - Kierland [ Claim Listing ]
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Kids Who Cook Logo

Homemade Pasta Class

Homemade Pasta Class is offered by Kids Who Cook. In all classes, everything is very hands-on and everybody gets a chance to do a little of everything. The children are taught how to clean up and then everyone sits to eat what was made.

Cheapest by Kids Who Cook [ Claim Listing ]
Marcellino Ristorante Logo


Learn why restaurant guests canít enough of Chef Marcellinoís Ravioli. This delicious pasta will be filled with Chefís surprise filling of the day! Have fun and learn a few of Chefís secrets to creating his handcrafted cuisine.

Cheapest by Marcellino Ristorante [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 6

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