List of available AI (Artificial Intelligence) Courses in Birmingham, UK.

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) courses in Birmingham are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Babington, Birmingham
  2. South And City College Birmingham, Birmingham
  3. BIT Training, Birmingham

Also, check out all AI (Artificial Intelligence) Courses from all over UK.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Birmingham, UK

Babington Logo

Artificial Intelligence on Amazon Web Services (AI on AWS)

The AWS training course and lab cover some important topics in AI, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition, and also provide a high-level understanding of AWS’s AI and machine learning services and platforms.

by Babington [ Claim Listing ]
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South And City College Birmingham Logo

BCS Essentials Certificate In Artificial Intelligence

On our BCS training course, we teach you the essential terminology and the general principles of AI, which is a methodology for using non-human systems to learn from experience and imitate human intelligent behaviour.

Cheapest by South And City College Birmingham [ Claim Listing ]

BIT Training Logo

Education With AI

Transform your business with AI-dedicated support and training, seamlessly integrating AI to save you time and money.

Cheapest by BIT Training [ Claim Listing ]
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