List of available Massage and Reflexology Courses in Leeds, UK. The Massage and Reflexology courses in Leeds are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Massage and Reflexology Courses from all over UK.
Our Reflexology course is designed to teach you how to competently perform one of the most in-demand holistic therapy massages within the industry, as well as incorporating the theoretical knowledge behind reflexology, and the various massage movements required for this particular treatment.
Express Body Massage treatments for time-pressed clients and also luxurious and deeply therapeutic Spa Full Body Massage treatments tailored to your client’s specific treatment needs.
Massage training is offered by Hana's Academy. Hana’s Academy accredited training courses are designed to equip all students with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to progress onto a successful and rewarding career in the Hair & Beauty industry.
As well as the skills needed to offer massage treatments, this course also includes knowledge about current legislation, working practice requirements and client care and communication which is essential to work and be successful in the industry.
This qualification prepares you for working in the sports massage sector, dealing with injured clients. The course is delivered 1 night a week on Wednesday evening 5-9pm over 18 weeks. You will need to complete the Sports Massage Therapy Diploma Level 3 before undertaking this course.
Reflexology course is offered by Arora Hair & Beauty Academy. We train you so you understand all the techniques, tips and new business ideas so you can keep ahead of your competitors and so you can attract and retain clients for the long term and not the short term.
Therapeutic Massages course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.
Our intensive Deep Tissue Massage course is ideal if you have already studied body massage and wish to progress your understanding of therapeutic treatment.
Reflexology is an extremely effective form of massage, relating to the ‘reflex points’ on the sole of the foot. These points correspond to the organs and systems in the body and are linked to those organs through ‘energy channels’ or ‘zones’. When illness or imbalance occurs, the corres...
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