List of available Massage and Reflexology Courses in Plymouth, UK. The Massage and Reflexology courses in Plymouth are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Massage and Reflexology Courses from all over UK.
This is a part time course in Stone Therapy Massage. It is a qualification that has been specifically designed to develop your practical skills in how to provide the relaxing and stress relieving treatment of massage including the skills of using hot and cold stones to massage.
With an impressive catalogue of over 200 courses and 1300 student enrollments in the past four years, we have thrived and expanded, moving into larger premises featuring three training rooms, a gym, and a martial arts studio complete with a wrestling ring, boxing ring, and MMA cage.
We are home to Plymouth Holistic Training. We run courses and workshops in all things holistic and beauty. Visit our training website to find courses in holistic therapies & beauty or use the contact us form for more information about room hire.
This fully accredited and insurable course will equip you with all the skills needed to perform a reflexology treatment. This course covers reading and interpreting the feet as well as performing relaxation and pressure techniques. It also includes the theory and history behind the reflexology tre...
Our Swedish massage course is perfect for beginners and is fully accredited. Swedish massage is one of the most popular holistic therapies and you can learn how to do it in just 1 day with our course! It includes additional massage techniques, advice and practice to ensure you feel fully competent ...
Learn the powerful ancient Chinese therapy of reflexology where you can access the wellbeing of the whole body through the reflexes of the feet. This wonderfully relaxing therapy is beneficial for stress relief, restoring balance, hormone regulation, energy boosting and many other conditions.
“We need balance in our busy lives and I provide exclusive,tailor made complementary treatments to help you achieve this.”
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