List of available DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Safety Courses in Portsmouth, UK. The DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Safety courses in Portsmouth are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Safety Courses from all over UK.
Staff designated with the responsibility for setting up workstations or conducting Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risk assessments to educate them in promoting employee wellbeing when using desktop or laptop computers.
This course is aimed at companies who employ users of display screen equipment, or DSE as it's often called and is intended to be completed by those who will be assessing the DSE set ups of employees. DSE is a term that covers a wide range of equipment.
Display Screen Equipment training is offered by All Clear Safety and Training for all skill level. Whatever your need, keep your employees up-to-date with cost-effective training programmes from All Clear Safety & Training.
Did you know that a badly set up workstation, poor posture and prolonged use of DSE can cause muscle pain, strains, aches, fatigue and visual discomfort? Have you arranged your computer workstation correctly so that these health problems are avoided?
Display Screen Equipment Training course is offered by All Clear Safety & Training. All Clear Safety & Training provide tailored Health and Safety policies to match your company needs. Boost your business credentials and win bigger contracts.
Under Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations, employers are required to ensure that users of computers and other items of display screen equipment (DSE) are provided with adequate training on how to use these devices and their workstations safely.
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