List of all the courses offered by University of Alberta.
University of Alberta offers a total of 63 courses.
The CCAP proÂgram will proÂvide you with valuÂable backÂground in genÂerÂal busiÂness eduÂcaÂtion, assist you in underÂstandÂing corÂpoÂrate iniÂtiaÂtives, advance your proÂfesÂsionÂal develÂopÂment, and preÂpare you for future office demands and innovations.
This microÂcreÂdenÂtial is focused on the knowlÂedge and skills needÂed to leverÂage and best use digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing from a busiÂness perÂspecÂtive.
Start your entreÂpreÂneurÂial jourÂney and turn your busiÂness idea into the future you want for yourÂself with the EntreÂpreÂneurÂship and New VenÂture DevelÂopÂment MicroÂcreÂdenÂtial.
Learn the skills needÂed to maxÂiÂmize your social media imprint and impact.
In this course, you will explore the manÂageÂment of marÂketÂing, with emphaÂsis on marÂketÂing research, analyÂsis, planÂning and conÂtrol. Case studÂies will proÂvide an opporÂtuÂniÂty to apply marÂketÂing prinÂciÂples in an examÂiÂnaÂtion of CanaÂdiÂan busiÂness problems...
Learn about and pracÂtice how to navÂiÂgate and use your comÂputÂer effecÂtiveÂly and explore some softÂware comÂmon to develÂopÂers in this low-code course that introÂduces the basics of web develÂopÂment.
BuildÂing upon the funÂdaÂmenÂtals, this course introÂduces stuÂdents to interÂmeÂdiÂate Python conÂcepts. Here stuÂdents will learn and pracÂtice writÂing softÂware, how to work with data, debugÂging code, data-types, conÂverÂsion, comÂmon operÂaÂtors, deciÂsions and loops.
Build upon the skills you gained in JavaScript FunÂdaÂmenÂtals and go beyond the basics as you learn about string, numÂber and array manipÂuÂlaÂtion, API / Fetch, ES6 classÂes and funcÂtions, and how to use libraries to creÂate engagÂing webÂsites.
C# (c?sharp) is a genÂerÂal-purÂpose back-end proÂgramÂming lanÂguage that can be used to perÂform a wide range of tasks and objecÂtives. StuÂdents will learn proÂgramÂming funÂdaÂmenÂtals, and the basics of develÂopÂing and comÂpilÂing softÂware writÂten in the C# lanÂguage.
Explore the world of blockchain, bitÂcoin, and disÂtribÂuted ledgers in this introÂducÂtoÂry course. Learn how blockchain/?cryptocurrency techÂnolÂoÂgy works and what are its pracÂtiÂcal appliÂcaÂtions. UnderÂstand the hisÂtoÂry and the masÂsive disÂrupÂtive potenÂtial of this t...
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