List of available Food Safety Courses in Kent, UK. The Food Safety courses in Kent are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over UK.
The new Level 1 Awards in Food Safety are run as half-day courses, suitable for a variety of candidates, including new employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge, employees handling low-risk or wrapped food or those who work front of house.
Everyone who works within Catering has a responsibility for safeguarding the health and safety of consumers and ensures that the food they serve or sell is perfectly safe.
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene. This course is sector specific; candidates can select the assessment and course book appropriate to their environment.
This qualification is aimed at individuals who are, or intend to be, food handlers working in catering.
This course is designed for those staff who prepare and handle food including supervisors and managers.
Every person working with food requires an understanding of the current food safety. This is a Level 2 qualification run by an approved CIEH training partner.
This course is suitable for those that are not directly involved with the preparation or handling of high-risk foods but work in an environment where food is present or handled elsewhere.
By attending the course the staff will be able to handle food safely as a result of their understanding about cooking and preserving food at the right temperature.
The Highfield Level 2 Food Safety in Catering and Manufacturing, course will provide you with an accredited internationally recognised food safety certificate, which is MCA approved.
This food safety awareness course is ideal for people who are new to the food retail.
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