List of available Undergraduate Degree Classes in London, UK. The Undergraduate Degree courses in London are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Undergraduate Degree Classes from all over UK.
Find out how Hult's Bachelor of Business Administration provides you with a uniquely practical, global, and personal undergraduate degree program.
Gain practical skills in data science and ai and explore how this rapidly expanding discipline is shaping the world around us.
The purpose of this program is to prepare students for employment in the information technology industry.
The Brunel Banking and Finance BSc provides students with the knowledge, skills and insights needed to effectively pursue careers in banking and financial services. You’ll get a solid grounding in micro and macroeconomic principles
Accounting & Finance at King’s College London covers foundations of general management as well as accounting and finance in the first year while offering more specialist content throughout the rest of the degree.
The programme combines a multitude of different assessment types, core modules that include training in the programming language R and the option to take a professional placement module. Coupled with our renowned expertise in real-world and regional economics and an emphasis to a pluralist approach
This programme combines a rigorous foundation in economic theories and quantitative tools with opportunities to consider real-world problems using evidenced-based economic analysis. You'll be taught by experts who combine their research experience with an innovative curriculum and teaching methods,
This new version of our industry-focused two-year degree programme offers a unique opportunity for you to learn about the fashion and media industries from within Condé Nast, a global mass media company.
The aim is to turn you into a skilled, innovative, and confident problem solver. You’ll learn to consider the global outlook and societal aspects of the current environment when producing solutions that are both sustainable and adaptable.
Our bsc data science and computing will give you a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics and computer science and the skills and knowledge to tackle real-world problems. You will learn cutting-edge techniques for collecting, storing, analysing and visualising data, and how to extract informa...
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