List of available Anatomy and Physiology Courses in London, UK. The Anatomy and Physiology courses in London are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Anatomy and Physiology Courses from all over UK.
Each module is 150 study hours comprising intensive teaching, independent study and group work and is examined to university standards. Comparable to an in-semester 15-credit King’s undergraduate module and therefore typically awarded 3-4 US credits or 7.5 ECTS, many summer students ask their hom...
You will also learn about the structure, function and pathologies of the human body systems including, the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary and reproductive system.
The VTCT Level 3 Award in Anatomical and Physiological Knowledge of Body Systems is a qualification that has been specifically designed to give you knowledge and understanding of the main systems of the body.
This course is designed for someone who has no experience but wants to do advance courses this would be a great start.
This ITEC Level 3 diploma course is the essential ‘foundation’ for which all other Complementary, Health and Well-being, Beauty, Massage and Sports therapy diploma awards are based. It is essential for anyone who intends to work in direct contact with the human body and its physiological struct...
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a course whose content is relevant to us all. The more we know about our bodies, and how they work – and sometimes do not – the better equipped we are to look after ourselves and maintain our health.
Our body performs amazing feats every day. This introduction to anatomy and physiology aims to provide you with a basic understanding of how the body works by exploring some of its major systems and how they interact with each other to benefit the health of the whole anatomy. The class is open to t...
Our facial anatomy course offers an expert overview of face anatomy using the most innovative techniques. Students receive a Facial Anatomy Certificate on successful completion of the course.
This is a stand-alone, home-study qualification in Anatomy & Physiology. It is the foundation required for many Aesthetic qualifications and courses as well as some Complimentary and Holistic therapies.
We will provide you with a comprehensive and simple framework in which you can understand the fascinating workings of the human body.
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