List of all the courses offered by Yoobee College of Creative Innovation.
Yoobee College of Creative Innovation offers a total of 23 courses.
Learn how to design and produce motion graphics for paid search and social media platforms. Create engaging and eye-catching content for advertising using Adobe After Effects.
Design attention-grabbing logos, typography and infographics with Illustrator, the world’s leading vector graphics tool.
Learn to create sophisticated motion graphics, animation and visual effects in the powerful industry-standard software, After Effects. An inspirational next-step course for anyone looking to master post-production for film and television visual effects.
Photoshop is the international go-to for photographers, editors and illustrators around the world. Equally valuable whether you’re working solo or as part of a large organisation.
A great tool for enthusiasts looking to widen their editing skills or for pros looking to sharpen their skills, Premiere Pro opens the door to techniques like compression and audio, and helps your videos stand out from the crowd.
Good design lies at the heart of a successful business. Use InDesign, the world’s most popular design layout software, to discover how to design great work for your own clients or as part of a marketing team.
A great course for beginners, this class provides an introduction to the core technologies used in web development, including an introduction to coding.
This Digital Marketing Micro-credential will give you the practical skills to make the most of the platforms and tools you need to implement and execute an effective digital marketing plan.
Learn game design concepts and develop practical skills in computer and mobile game design. Use fundamental design concepts and tools to build a playable game environment in the Unity game engine.
Learn computer networking and cyber security skills to create and maintain a small network while incorporating cyber security practices and procedures. An ideal course for developers, business analysts, and other professionals to gain networking and cybersecurity knowledge.
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