List of available Pizza Making Classes in Baltimore, USA. The Pizza Making courses in Baltimore are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Pizza Making Classes from all over USA.
A class for young chefs an their parents to work together. We will explore the world of making the perfect pizza: the one that you make from scratch.
Culinary Craft Workshop is a  recreational cooking school offering a wide array of regional and ethnic cooking classes and skills workshops for students of all ages,
We’ll learn to make both a thin crust and deep-dish pizza crust, craft sauces, and prepare toppings for this ubiquitous food as well as its culinary cousin, calzone. We’ll then spend the rest of the class making our own pizzas and calzones and eating them!
Master the fundamentals then make it your own in this multi-approach pizza making class that covers all the pillars of a great pie: crust, sauce, and toppings. From thin crust to deep dish, and white sauce to red, you’ll leave with pizza making skills so epic and versatile
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