List of available Occupational Health & Safety Courses in Nelspruit, South Africa.

The Occupational Health & Safety courses in Nelspruit are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Dei Gratia Academy, Nelspruit
  2. NOSA, Nelspruit
  3. Entecom Food Safety, Nelspruit
  4. Krutech Risk Management Solutions, Nelspruit
  5. Frontline Shq Solutions, Nelspruit
  6. OHS Institute of South Africa, Nelspruit
  7. Linem Training Centre, Nelspruit
  8. Hasmud Training Insitute, Nelspruit
  9. United Training Centre, Nelspruit
  10. Laeveld Legislative Training, Nelspruit

Also, check out all Occupational Health & Safety Courses from all over South Africa.

144 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Nelspruit, South Africa

Dei Gratia Academy Logo

Safety, Health, Environmental And Quality

Safety, Health, Environmental And Quality (sheq) is offered by Dei Gratia Academy

Cheapest by Dei Gratia Academy

Fall Arrest Level 1 (Previously Known As Basic Working At Heights)

Learners wishing to acquire the competencies in this course will be, individuals working at height where there is a risk of injury from a fall. Learners will be involved in performing tasks at height.

Cheapest by NOSA
Entecom Food Safety Logo

ISO 45001 Implementation

The ISO 45001 standard is part of the ISO family and has the same HLS (High Level Structure) as the other ISO standards making it easy to integrate with other standards such as the ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 standards.

Cheapest by Entecom Food Safety
Krutech Risk Management Solutions Logo

Safety Representative

Safety Representative training course is offered by Krutech Risk Management Solutions. Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders.

Cheapest by Krutech Risk Management Solutions
Frontline Shq Solutions Logo

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment course is offered by Frontline Shq Solutions.

by Frontline Shq Solutions [ Claim Listing ]
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OHS Institute of South Africa Logo

Incident Investigation

Investigating workplace incident or accident can be more complex than it seems. It requires a knowledge of unit standards, the Act, the various Annexures associated with an investigation, fact gathering, incident analysis, investigation protocols and more.???????

Cheapest by OHS Institute of South Africa

Linem Training Centre Logo

Bob Cat Training

Bob Cat training is offered by Linem Training Centre for all skill level. We provide practical, quality training for earth moving machinery, practical courses, health and safety courses and computers skills.

by Linem Training Centre [ Claim Listing ]
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Hasmud Training Insitute Logo

Scaffolding Erectors

Scaffolding Erectors training course is offered by Hasmud Training Insitute. Days of training may vary to the above depending on what courses we will be doing. Please feel free to contact our offices for more details.

Cheapest by Hasmud Training Insitute [ Claim Listing ]
United Training Centre Logo

Safety Manager

Safety Manager course is offered by United Training Centre for all skill level. We deliver excellent and tailored machine training and technical training services to corporate organizations  and individuals at discounted rates.

by United Training Centre [ Claim Listing ]
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Laeveld Legislative Training Logo

Bulldozer Operator Training

Bulldozer Operator training is offered by Laeveld Legislative Training for all skill level. Laeveld Legislative Training is Registered and Accredited service Training provider with TETA and Labour Department.

by Laeveld Legislative Training [ Claim Listing ]
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Showing Courses 1 - 10

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