List of available Bread Making Classes in Atlanta, USA. The Bread Making courses in Atlanta are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Bread Making Classes from all over USA.
Join Auntie DOTE in this very special class, and learn to make traditional southern Brunswick Stew w/ Cornbread.
Imagine you’ve happened upon a magical cottage of sweetest proportions…where rooftops are sugared with frosted shingles and chocolate doors are adorned with fruity wreaths.
In this educational masterclass, you will learn everything there is to know about laminated dough, including working with yeast, locking in butter, making the turns, and shaping the finished product.
Learn the secrets to making delicious homemade bread. From flour selection to kneading and proofing, we discuss techniques for success using the chef’s recipe for traditional Estonian rye bread.
Our introductory course is taught through a combination of demonstrations and brief hands-on elements to provide the basics of baking sourdough bread at home.
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