List of available Teaching Courses in Cape Town, South Africa. The Teaching courses in Cape Town are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Teaching Courses from all over South Africa.
The Deal Alliance Train the Trainer course is a generic 4 day course to prepare candidates to be able to design and deliver any form of training from lecturing to facilitation.
The IIE Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education will prepare you to start a career in teaching and facilitation in Early Childhood Education (birth to 4 years).
This NQF level eight (8) alignment short course covers knowledge of a formal postgraduate programme, approved and quality controlled as required by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) and the Higher Education Qualification Committee (HEQC).
Train the Trainer is a comprehensive SAQA unit standard-based course that covers best practice standards of facilitating learning.
The course deals with training and facilitation techniques, focused on outcomes-based learning principles. Learners are guided to facilitate adult learning. This course is a prerequisite for licensee registration to current selected NOSA courses.
This course will ensure any facilitator learns how to present a lesson or a training facilitation in a highly professional, entertaining, dynamic, impactful and interactive manner.
Organisational change management, employee motivation and development, and developing leadership and emotional intelligence competencies are crucial success factors for individuals and organisations in an aggressive 21 Century business environment.
CAP Coaching Advantage Process for Managers Course is Offered by DYNA Training (Pty) Ltd.
Coaching & Mentoring Course is Offered by Staff Training.
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