List of available Food Safety Courses in London, UK. The Food Safety courses in London are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over UK.
The new Level 1 Awards in Food Safety are run as half-day courses, suitable for a variety of candidates, including new employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge, employees handling low-risk or wrapped food or those who work front of house.
Foodborne illnesses and hazards in food The responsibilities of food handlers The effective control of hazards An explanation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Our trainers are highly skilled industry professionals and the best in their field. They are able to quickly assess which areas of training your staff require in order to reach the level of compliance you seek.
A basic food safety awareness course covering all aspects of food handling, designed for those who work with low-risk foods.
Training your employees in food safety will provide greater awareness of the dangers of poor safety standards. The qualifications deliver comprehensive information on safety risks and control, preparation, cooked, served, or sold food is safe for human consumption.
This Food Safety Course is designed to provide information on all Food safety issues which they will encounter during their working day.
Online Food Safety (Level 1) looks at safe practices within a food handling business. Focusing on identifying known dangers and implementing control measures to ensure safety for all. This can help raise staff awareness, and lead to a cleaner & healthier working environment.
This Level 3 qualification is designed principally for those who are, or intend to be, supervisors of food handlers within the catering and hospitality industry. Holders will gain a broad knowledge of food safety and food hygiene, enabling them to identify problem areas and recommend solutions.
This online course is for is food handlers in manufacturing businesses. A high standard of food safety protects consumers’ health and helps to maintain the reputation of the business.
This qualification is aimed at food handlers working in a manufacturing environment. Candidates gaining this qualification will know that food safety is the responsibility of everyone involved in the storage, preparation, processing, packing and handling of food.
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