List of all the courses offered by Moata School.
Moata School offers a total of 15 courses.
After the learning process a students is awarded a nqf certificate and becomes qualified super link driver who earn average salary of R15000 per month. Skills are attained at the super link driving training centre at minimal fees.
After the learning process a students is awarded a nqf certificate and becomes qualified panel beater earn a salary from R5000-R16000 per month and the average is R10000. Skills are attained at the panel beating training centre at minimal fees.
Skills are attained at the front end loader training centre at minimal front end loader course fees with operators earning an average salary of R10000 per month.
After the learning process a students is awarded a nqf certificate and becomes qualified firefighter earning an average salary of R98 per hour. Skills are attained at the fire fighting training centre at minimal fees.
Scaffolding course cost is R7000 and takes 12 days. After training a students is awarded a scaffolding certificate After the learning process a students is awarded a certificate and becomes qualified to erect scaffolds.
Skills are attained at the plumber training centre at minimal plumbing course fees and the plumbers earn a salary from R5000-R18000 per month and the average is R8000.
After the learning process a students is awarded a nqf certificate and becomes qualified O.H.S who earn average salary of R15000 per month and the salary range is R6000-R30000. Skills are attained at the O.H.S training centre at minimal fees.
First aid course costs R4000 and takes 1 week. After the learning process a students is awarded a nqf first aid certificate and becomes qualified first aid giver. Skills are attained at the first aid training centre at minimal fees. First course cost R4000 and takes 7 days.
Skills are attained at the Boilermaker training centre at minimal boilermaker course fees and the salary then earn range from R8000-30000 per month.
Mobile crane operator training course fees is affodable for any one. and operators earn a salary from R7000-R27000 depending on the exprience of the driver. Skills include: Mobile crane perator is responsible for the safety of the crane operation as soon as the load is lifted clear of the ground.
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