List of all the courses offered by Rawr Training Academy.

Rawr Training Academy offers a total of 8 courses.

8 course(s) offered by 1 institutes

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Eyebrows Enhancement

Eyebrows Enhancement course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Eyelashes Extensions & Lifts

Eyelashes Extensions & Lifts course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Manicures & Pedicures

Manicures & Pedicures course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Nail Extensions

Nail Extensions course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Face & Body Waxing

Face & Body Waxing course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Facial Course

Facial course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
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Therapeutic Massages

Therapeutic Massages course is offered by Rawr Training Academy. Our in house training program serves to ensure all of our Rawr technicians and therapists are trained and qualified to the highest level.

by Rawr Training Academy [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 8

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