List of available Food Safety Courses in Leicester, UK. The Food Safety courses in Leicester are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Food Safety Courses from all over UK.
Our Food Safety training covers the essential aspects of food hygiene and safety during all stages of food handling, so that you can minimise food safety hazards and ensure that the food you work with remains safe for customers to eat.
Food Allergy Awareness course training is offered by EHS Global Tech for all skill level. We understand all businesses are different. That's why personalised training development is crucial to any business. Your learners are guaranteed to improve their knowledge and skills with training.
Food hygiene training to invest in your staff and implement a top-notch positive safety culture. Protect your brand and be proud of your teams!
These qualifications have been developed to raise awareness of key food safety issues and to provide employees with an induction to food hygiene, prior to undertaking the Level 2 Award in Food Safety.
Our level 1 course covers all the basics of food preparation, regulations, precautions and care when preparing food for others. This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles of food safety and hygiene.
This is a supported online learning course which is available 50 weeks of the year (including non-term times). You will need to be committed to complete approximately 6 hours of learning, which could be one whole day or split over a few days.
Our training aims to prevent and reduce suffering, increase the well-being, resilience and save the lives of people in the UK and across the world.
This food allergy awareness training course is designed to provide food handlers, or those with responsibility for managing food handlers, with an awareness around the controls and legal responsibilities when it comes to the 14 regulated allergens.
This 4 hour fun workshop makes a great entertaining short course to engage and energise your workforce into improving their diet, saving money on food, and being able to produce quick and healthy meals at the end of a long day at work.
To provide course members with a knowledge of the fundamentals of good food hygiene practice.
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