List of all the courses offered by Techedo.
Techedo offers a total of 17 courses.
The trainers at TECHEDO Chandigarh are subject specialist corporate professionals providing in-depth study in Cloud Computing course in Chandigarh. Participants completing the Cloud Computing certification have plethora of job opportunities in the industry.
Basic Concepts of Computer Programming are introduced, starting with the notion of an algorithm. Emphasis is on developing the ability to write programs to solve practical computational problems.
This programing language is a complete package, it can be used as- Python for Web Development, Software development, Application development, Server-side scripting, etc.
At present, Android and iOS are the most popular platforms highly accessed by millions of people throughout the world. Since its inception, it offers several opportunities for both professional and learners.
Linux is the best-known and most-used open source operating system. Just like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10, and Mac OS X, Linux is also an operating system. An operating system is a software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop.
It is the process to collect, process, perform statistical analyses of data and Data Analyst Training provided by Techedo technologies with 100% placements is a course that is having all the essential modules to learn the process of data analysis.
The advancement in technology and the increasing popularity of the Internet has resulted in a great threat among companies, i.e. cybercrime and data stealing. They live in a constant fear that hackers can hack into their systems anytime and steal crucial information which is worth millions.
The .Net Framework is software developed by Microsoft for Programmers and Developers. It provides a controlled environment where you can easily develop, install and program software for Windows-based operating systems.
JAVA is a multiplatform high level programming language used to develop applications that run on single computer or can be distributed on server.
CRM Application Development and CRM integration has introduced in market a few years back but now playing a dominant role. For storing records of customers and their activity from large business to small business companies are using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
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