List of all the courses offered by Garvey Africa Institute.
Garvey Africa Institute offers a total of 20 courses.
This training course is designed to help participants strengthen their skills using R for effective data modelling and analysis. The course will briefly introduce basic methods for data import, data management, simple graphics, and basic statistical analysis; and provides a firm foundation for stat...
This Garvey Africa Institute M&E course provides the fundamentals of planning and implementing programme-based monitoring and evaluation. The course places emphasis on designing and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems. In so doing it enhances participants’ understanding of monitor...
Numerous projects have caused high additional cost for society both during and after they have been implemented. Any agribusiness project or program is necessarily part of a highly complex interrelated system, which poses a risk for their success. Agriculture forms the backbone of many developing c...
This comprehensive course is very hands-on and interactive thus providing a step by step approach to project management with an emphasis on implementation and negotiation skills.
Numerous projects have caused high additional cost for society both during and after they have been implemented. Any project or program is necessarily part of a highly complex interrelated system, which poses a risk for their success.
It is increasingly becoming glaringly clear that many development interventions do not succeed in producing sustainable economic and financial outcomes for the poor. The growing focus on value chain development is to markets work for the poor.
Quality compliance monitoring is the quality assurance testing carried out over the day to day activities of the business. The compliance monitoring team provides assurance to the senior management that the organization is operating within a compliant framework.
This course helps participants to gain an overview of IFRS and a solid working knowledge of both the fundamentals and detailed workings of IAS 40 Investment Property.
This Garvey Africa Institute training course is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of public sector financial management techniques. It strengthens skills and gives insight into financial management and reporting tools.
The course is designed to deepen participants’ understanding of public sector financial management techniques. It strengthens skills and gives insight into financial management and effective budgetary control tools.
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