List of available BIM Courses in Atlanta, USA.
The BIM courses in Atlanta are provided by the following institutes:
Also, check out all BIM Courses from all over USA.
Bentley MicroStation course is offered by Ledet for all skill level. You'll have fun in these hands-on, instructor-led training classes, the easiest and most comprehensive way to learn graphics software fast. We teach the cool stuff!
The Autodesk Revit software is a powerful Building Information Modeling (BIM) program that works the way architects think. The program streamlines the design process through the use of a central 3D model, where changes made in one view update across all views and on the printable sheets.
Learn to create a full 3D architectural project model from the ground up using Autodesk Revit. Utilize basic tools that the majority of architectural users need to create walls, doors, windows, floors, ceilings, roofs, and stairs.
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