List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in Phoenix, AZ, USA.

The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in Phoenix, AZ are provided by the following institutes:

  1. Phoenix Woodworking School, Phoenix, AZ
  2. Southwest School of Woodworking, Phoenix, AZ
  3. Rockler Woodworking and Hardware, Phoenix, AZ
  4. Phoenix Forge, Phoenix, AZ

Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.

4 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Phoenix, AZ, USA

Phoenix Woodworking School Logo


Woodworking course is offered by Phoenix Woodworking School.  Whether as a hobby or a career, our one on one tutoring will be of value to them now and in the future.

Cheapest by Phoenix Woodworking School [ Claim Listing ]
Southwest School of Woodworking Logo

Fundamentals of Traditional Woodworking II

Ready to move beyond the basics? The second step in our three-part Fundamentals series, this course builds on the skills taught in Fundamentals I and prepares you for even more advanced craftsmanship as you progress in your woodworking.

by Southwest School of Woodworking [ Claim Listing ]
  • Price
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Rockler Woodworking and Hardware Logo

Woodworking (Make Wood & Epoxy Coasters)

Pour your very own Coasters using domestic or exotic woods and epoxy resin! You will learn the techniques of preparing the wood, building molds, leak control and epoxy mixing, tinting and pouring

Cheapest by Rockler Woodworking and Hardware [ Claim Listing ]
Phoenix Forge Logo

Wood Shop Orientation and Safety

This course is an introduction to the woodworking tools available for member use at Phoenix Forge. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of shop safety and procedures as well as best practices for a majority of the stationary power tools.

Cheapest by Phoenix Forge [ Claim Listing ]
Showing Courses 1 - 4

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