List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in Atlanta, USA.

The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in Atlanta are provided by the following institutes:

  1. MASS Collective, Atlanta
  2. Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust, Atlanta
  3. Freeside, Atlanta
  4. Highland Woodworking, Atlanta

Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.

4 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Atlanta, USA

MASS Collective Logo

Wood Turning

This course is designed for the beginning wood turner. All students receive demonstrations on how to prepare a wood blank for spindle turning, how to glue up wood properly for success during turning, machine and tool vocabulary and safety

Cheapest by MASS Collective [ Claim Listing ]
Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust Logo


Our training programs are developed so that our carpenters and millwrights meet any challenge or opportunity encountered by our employers.

Cheapest by Southeastern Carpenters Training Trust [ Claim Listing ]
Freeside Logo

Intro to Woodworking

Your teacher for this class, Dave Alvarez, has decades of experience in woodworking and fine cabinetry. Join him and other students at Freeside, and make a classic, useful tote.

Cheapest by Freeside [ Claim Listing ]
Highland Woodworking Logo

Woodworking Basics

This is the second in our classes for new and intermediate woodworkers. In this class you will have exposure to wood shop safety and the proper use of hand and stationary power tools.

by Highland Woodworking [ Claim Listing ]
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