List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in Boston, USA.

The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in Boston are provided by the following institutes:

  1. The Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts ‏, Boston
  2. Boston College, Boston
  3. North Bennet St. School, Boston

Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in Boston, USA

The Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts ‏ Logo

Wood-Turning (Bowls 2S23)

This course will teach you how to prepare a bowl blank with an axe (via demonstration/instruction), how to turn that blank into a bowl using turning hooks and various techniques, and how to finish the bowl with drying oils, paint, and other finishes.

by The Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts ‏ [ Claim Listing ]
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Boston College Logo

Woodworking Basics

The Hand Tools training is a Level 1 Woodworking training that familiarizes users with a variety of saws, hammers, drills, and drivers! After this training, users are able to use any of the tools on the tool wall displays in the Hatchery Makerspace and the Hatchery Prototyping Studio.

Cheapest by Boston College [ Claim Listing ]

North Bennet St. School Logo


Our Carpentry program encourages a commitment to excellence and a mastery of the craft. In 36 weeks, you’ll be able to jump-start your carpentry career and earn a return on your educational investment.

Cheapest by North Bennet St. School [ Claim Listing ]
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