List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in San Francisco, USA.

The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in San Francisco are provided by the following institutes:

  1. City College Of San Francisco, San Francisco
  2. Clayroom, San Francisco
  3. Wood Thumb, San Francisco

Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.

3 course(s) offered by 1 institutes in San Francisco, USA

City College Of San Francisco Logo

Furniture Making & Woodworking

Designed to prepare students for entry-level work or to upgrade their existing skills in woodworking. Course has a hands-on focus that covers safety procedures, furniture design, hand and machine tools, materials identification and applications, fabrication processes, and project planning.

Cheapest by City College Of San Francisco [ Claim Listing ]
Clayroom Logo

Woven Leather Bench

Combining traditional woodworking with leather work, Mary Tsai will guide students to learn the fundamentals of understanding wood, milling, joinery and glue-ups while also working with leather.

Cheapest by Clayroom [ Claim Listing ]
Wood Thumb Logo

Rainbow Cutting Board (Level 2)

Loved one of our classes and ready to take your woodworking skills to the next level? Join us in the woodshop to make a one-of-a-kind board that’s all about creativity and craftsmanship.

by Wood Thumb [ Claim Listing ]
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