List of all the courses offered by Miami Dade College.
Miami Dade College offers a total of 50 courses.
Learn payment of sales tax, backup and maintain QuickBooks data, the accounting cycle, manage bank account transactions, purchase orders and inventory, create, edit and view budgets, manage other general ledger accounts and protect and share data.
Good record keeping is essential for your business. Learn how to record journal entries and produce financial statements.
Learn the fundamental requirements for filing a personal income tax return. Topics include requirements for filing an income tax return, dependents, taxable and nontaxable income, deductions and exemptions and tax credits.
Learn important techniques in interpreting financial statements, forecasting cash flow, obtaining venture capital, leasing vs. purchasing and other important concepts affecting a successful business.
Plan towards your financial future! Learn the fundamentals of investing in stocks, bonds and money instruments as you determine the right plan for you.
Hire and retain more effectively, know important principles of HR law, understand compensation and benefits and learn the basic principles of human resources to become a more effective manager.
Become a recognized Professional Certified Wedding and Event Planner. This 40-hour course will provide students with key knowledge and skills for planning, coordinating and directing social events and weddings.
This 30-hour course is designed for both those who are planning to open and those currently operating a business. Topics include planning for a successful business, financing strategies and resources, marketing your business and increasing customers and managing your staff.
This course will review specific logistics and regulations as they relate to importing and exporting. Identify ways to expedite the process of dealing with U.S. Customs.
Learn the basics of opening and operating a freight brokerage business. Covered topics include dispatching and procedures to move truckloads, prospecting and working with shippers, obtaining a broker’s license, freight bill audits, collections, insurance claims, claims management and marketing fo...
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