List of available Woodworking & Carpentry Courses in Seattle, USA. The Woodworking & Carpentry courses in Seattle are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Woodworking & Carpentry Courses from all over USA.
Are you interested in building, or repairing, things from wood? Get started learning basic carpentry and woodworking skills in this rewarding hands-on class. Learn how to use power tools safely and confidently, understanding which tool to use for various jobs.
Carpentry is a fast-growing field, and northwest Washington has one of the highest concentrations of carpentry jobs nationwide (according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
This class is designed to be the core introductory class that covers good studio practices while learning how to safely use all of the equipment and tools in the main woodworking studio. It will also be the primary prerequisite class for most of the more advanced woodworking classes.
This class represents a bit of a departure from the structure of our 10 week classes. In those, the heavy emphasis is on teaching new skills and information, and the class projects are seen as a hands on manner of practicing those skills.
This is the course designed for people with no prior woodworking experience. Through discussion and hands on experience you will learn about the steps necessary to begin with a rough piece of wood and finish with a small table of your own design. The class will meet for six weekly sessions.
Carpentry course is offered by Kids' Carpentry. Kids’ Carpentry Seattle continues the tradition of building confidence and teaching with respect and humor in a safe and happy environment.
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