List of all the courses offered by Lehman College.
Lehman College offers a total of 20 courses.
Great, lucrative and family-sustaining IT jobs are out there, but the vast majority of candidates are not yet qualified. CompTIA certifications help to train and identify qualified, knowledgeable employees and match them with employers who have jobs to fill. And, employers know CompTIA.
Topics include Ethernet networks; basic switching concepts; installation, configuration, operation, management and troubleshooting of switched networks and CISCO switches; VLANs and related switching technologies; basic wireless networking concepts, protocols and software and hardware.
In today’s competitive job market, having digital skills is a must. Proficiency in Microsoft Office is one of the most sought-after skills by hiring managers. The Microsoft Office Program offers instruction in the following Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, and PowerPoi...
Lehman College has recently partnered with EON Reality, a world leader in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) knowledge transfer. We are pleased to offer a 10-month, non-credit training program in these exciting technologies in our state-of-the-art facility.
Web developers design and code the websites we use every day. They are responsible for a site's visual presentation, interactive features, capacity, and backend structure. In short, developers create websites and shape all of our online interactions.
Lehman College’s Digital Marketing Classes in the Bronx will help you learn the fundamentals of the digital marketing toolbox or brush up on your existing skills. Advance your knowledge of digital marketing while adding to your skills with practical, hands-on classes.
This entry-level course describes the concepts and principles of accounting and data accumulation techniques with an emphasis on the preparation and interpretation of financial statements.
Computer systems enable organizations to systematically identify, acquire, store, analyze, distribute, and reuse information and knowledge to enhance organizational productivity and competitiveness.
This course introduces students to federal income tax as it relates to individuals. Areas of concentration include: income inclusion and exclusion and deductions as they are defined utilizing the Internal Revenue Code and related material.
This course is designed for payroll beginners, entry-level payroll professionals, and business owners. Learn how to calculate payroll, compute payroll taxes, payroll methods, and reporting.
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