List of all the courses offered by The Art Institutes.
The Art Institutes offers a total of 7 courses.
You can learn to make things that are smarter, simpler, and better—from the tools people use to the places where they live and work.
At The Art Institutes system of schools, creativity is our core, our calling, our culture. Game Art & Design is built on that creative foundation. It’s also built on our knowledge that a creative career is not for the faint of heart.
When it comes to motion graphics and visual effects, you don’t want to settle for convincing. You want your work to be breathtaking, attention-grabbing, and immersive. This feat is no easy task. Succeeding in this career takes practice, passion, and a whole lot of hard work.
There’s nothing easy about our Culinary Arts curriculum, which will immerse you in both traditional and emerging flavors from every corner of the world. You’ll cover a range of cuisines from Mexican to Middle Eastern as you study:
The Baking & Pastry School curriculum is focused on helping you grow as both an artist and a technician. Working in professional kitchens, you’ll explore both theory and practice through courses that take you from the fundamentals to the world cuisines that are emerging in popularity
In this program, you’ll be surrounded and inspired by other talented, creatively driven students. And you’ll be pushed, challenged, and, above all else, supported by experienced faculty*. It’s not a walk in the park. It’s a journey toward doing what you love.
In our Fashion Design degree programs, you can learn both traditional and computer-generated design techniques for making stylish apparel from start to finish. You can also gain the marketing, entrepreneurial, and creative skills needed to promote your designs in the global fashion market.
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