List of all the courses offered by HSC Clinical Education Centre (CEC).
HSC Clinical Education Centre (CEC) offers a total of 11 courses.
To provide participants with the knowledge and essential criteria to ensure accurate undertaking and recording of the 12 Lead ECG in line with the Society for Cardiological Science and Technology (2017) Guidelines.
To deliver on the entry level/advanced dietetic competencies relating to clinical diabetes management and education of people with diabetes (as per Dietetic Competency Framework for dietitians working in the area of diabetes, June 2021)
Raise awareness of dysphagia to inform the nutritional intervention, management, and ongoing care of adults with swallowing difficulties
To enable participants to develop their assessment and management skills of those patients with lower limb ulceration.
To provide an overview of the role of pharmacology in the provision of person centred care for people presenting with mental illness.
To up-skill health professionals in the core competencies to manage Adolescents with ABI across settings
Explore how trauma can impact on a person and to reflect on the importance of emotional intelligence in responding to the needs of people who have a learning disability.
To enable participants to understand the advance care planning process and legal framework in Northern Ireland and to prepare them to facilitate and record advance care planning discussions and preferences
To improve knowledge and raise personal awareness of HIV
To meet the NMC Test of Competence Criteria to register with the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council
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