List of available Bachelor of Economics Classes in Atlanta, USA. The Bachelor of Economics courses in Atlanta are provided by the following institutes: Also, check out all Bachelor of Economics Classes from all over USA.
An undergraduate degree in economics prepares students with the quantitative and qualitative skills to think critically and learn how to make optimal decisions. Students will learn by doing with a curriculum taught by nationally acclaimed economists and faculty. The BA program has a qualitative foc...
There is a broad range of intellectual challenges within the economics major. Branches of Economics overlap such diverse areas as politics, finance, history, international business, management, marketing, business operations, and psychology.
At Oglethorpe, the Business Economics Bachelor of Science includes courses in all core business disciplines: accounting, finance, management and marketing. In addition, you’ll study economic theory, applied economics sub-fields, and econometrics. Students acquire critical thinking skills and gain...
The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics offers students with the opportunity to engage in innovative approach to study of orthodox theories and contemporary issues in economics. The program emphasizes on providing knowledge and understanding of urban affairs and economic development, not only from
The School of Business offers the Bachelor of Business Administration, B.B.A., degree with concentrations in Accounting, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing.
The Economics major is available as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. The BA in Economics follows the general education requirements of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, covering a broad range of disciplines. The BBA in Economics curriculu...
The Morehouse economics majors learn how resources are allocated around the world and the implications of resource limitations on society. Major Course Of Study Requirements And Curriculum. The major in economics consists of three components, the college-wide general education curriculum (approxima...
The Department of Economics and The Goizueta Business School are thrilled to announce a collaboration to support and enhance students’ interdisciplinary interests. The Department of Economics will allow Economics majors an additional degree of freedom in course selection.
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